Strategic Training Solutions > Training Programs

Strategic Training Solutions offers customized training programs, human resource management consulting and organizational development services for  corporations, healthcare providers, hospitality companies, not for profit organizations, education institutions and growing small businesses.

Training and Team Building Services

Organizational Culture:

The group is divided into teams and each team is given a large piece of posterboard/paper, markers, stickers, glue, tape, scissors, company collateral, magazines, and other items.  The teams use these items to “pictorialize” the culture, “the way we do things at around here” of the organization as they see it now, and how they would like to see it at some point in the future.   This exercise will encourage team members to talk about their individual and group visions of how they would like to see the organization grow and development going forward.

Team Collaboration:

The group is divided into teams, and each team is given a sum of money that they will use to bid on items they will need to construct an Egg Catcher – i.e., pipe cleaners, pieces of saran wrap, foil, rubber bands, toilet paper inner tube, etc.  Once the auction is completed, the teams will have certain period of time to build their Egg Catcher from the auction items they have secured.  A “Drop Site” is selected, and all the teams will move to this location to see which team has constructed the most durable, non-egg-breakable egg catcher!  In this exercise, teams will practice negotiating, planning, problem-solving and effective communication. 

Find out which team has what it takes to survive!  In this survival simulation, participants are stranded in the jungle after their helicopter crash lands!  Jungle Escape brings groups together to build an escape helicopter – and a plan for better teamwork and communication.  In this simulation, teams hone group process skills, experience the impact of individual behavior on group productivity, and learn how planning and effective communication impacts results.

Vacation in the Keys is a fun team-building/communication exercise in which participants are shipwrecked on an island with only 15 salvageable items that they need for survival.  (boat fenders, sunscreen, bottle of water, etc.)   First individually, then, as a group, they must decide which items they have are of greatest importance to them.  In this survival exercise, the team will need to practice effective listening skills, problem solving, negotiating and planning.

The group must find a way to Save the World!  There is a can of toxic popcorn that, if spilled, will destroy the world as we know it.  The only way to survive is for the group to find a way to transfer the toxic popcorn into a “safe” can.  Unfortunately, they can only do this using ropes, a bicycle tube, and lots of creativity!  In this exercise, the teams’ communication, problem solving and collaborative skills are put to the test!
In this teambuilding exercise, the group is divided into four teams.  There are four rounds of play and the teams compete in the following categories; charades, drawing, molding clay and singing.  In each round, the timing allotted is less and less.  The “assignments” may be built out based on company’s products, culture, history, etc.  A large visual board in the front of the room, will track team scores.   In the lightning round there will be 1 charade that each team will get at the same time and the first team that gets it wins the 100 bonus points.  The championship round will be the 2 top point scoring teams. 

Group is divided into teams.  Each team player will have a “color” hat or smock to wear.  For each WORD there will be one person doing the drawing, when time begins, they must run to the “word” table and grab their word or phrase.  Once they have their word or phrase, they must give it back to the monitor and run back to the white board and start.  Each team will have their own white board, colored markers and monitor.  There are 3 rounds with each of the teams working on different words and phrases.  In the lightning round there will be 1 phrase that each team will get at the same time and the first team that gets it wins the 100 bonus points.  The championship round will be the 2 top point scoring teams. 

The participants would be divided into teams of 10, and will be asked to “design” a “premium” for their company.  The task is to design the “look” of the giveaway item on their display board in a way that communicates the excitement, enthusiasm and purpose of the company and its mission.    Once their product design and sales presentation is complete, the team will be invited to the “boardroom table” at the front of the room, and will have no more than 5 minutes to present their product to Mr. Trump and his fellow board members.  The Apprentice judges will assign points for such items as Creativity, Persuasiveness, Artistic, Messaging, etc.

Each team will be given a customized chef’s apron and tall chef’s hat and will be assigned to a cooking station where they will have all of the ingredients to make the world’s best chili!   All teams will be given specific instructions and the ingredients needed for their specific recipe.  There will be a “mystery” table and it will have additional items, spices, etc. that they can choose to use in the creation and presentation of their dish.  Specific criteria will be established that will allow the judges to select the “winning” team from each food category.

Each team will be competing against each other to produce the “Best Cake Presentation” in four categories.  The four categories include:  best overall taste, best overall presentation, most creative presentation, and cleanliness of work station.  There will be a table and it will have additional items, icing, sprinkles, etc. that they can choose to use in the creation and presentation of their cake.  The judges will decide the winners from each category.

Community Service:

Each team would be given all the components needed to build a child’s bike.   In addition to building the bike, each group must develop a “commercial” to deliver to the full team on why their bike is the best one on the market.  Commercials could be funny, serious, dramatic, etc.  The 60-second commercials must use everyone on the team.  Each team will be judged on the speed of completing the bike assembly AND on their commercial presentation.  At the conclusion of the meeting, all of the bikes will be donated to the charity of choice. 


For more information contact Laura C. McNerney at (914) 761-7111 ext. 327 or click here.
© 2025 Hospitality Resource Group, Inc. All rights reserved.     Corporate Office: 237 Mamaroneck Avenue, White Plains, NY 10605     T: (914) 761-7111