Strategic Training Solutions > Training Programs

Everything DiSC®

Strategic Training Solutions offers customized training programs, human resource management consulting and organizational development services for small businesses, corporations, not for profit organizations and education institutions.

What is the DiSC® Personality Profile?
The DiSC® Personality Profile survey assesses an individual’s behavioral tendencies in four behavioral categories – Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Conscientiousness.  The best teams are composed of individuals that possess a variety of behavioral styles, and there is no “best” or “worst” style. DiSC® results are used to improve communication, develop a better understanding of one’s behavioral tendencies, provide a framework for managing others, improve sales relationships, assist team members in their understanding of those they work with, and learn how to adapt their style to work more effectively.

STS offers the following DiSC® training programs:

Everything DiSC®   - General Characteristics

A general assessment of your most preferred style (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness or Conscientiousness) and how understanding your style preferences will help you to adapt to others to enhance your effectiveness.

Everything DiSC®  Management

A targeted assessment of your most preferred style, (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness or Conscientiousness) specifically addressing your style as it related to managing others. 

Everything DiSC®  Sales

A targeted assessment of your most preferred style, (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness or Conscientiousness), this program is specifically focused on developing maximum effectiveness related to sales and client relationship-building.

The following programming options are available:

On-Site Facilitation
HRG will facilitate DiSC® programs on-site.  Programs are offered from 2-4 hours in length, based on your profile selection.  This program is customized to meet the needs of your organization.

Train the Trainer Programs
HRG will build a customized training program(s) for your organization, and train team members to be able to facilitate the DiSC® program.

DiSC® Certification
As a DiSC® distributor, HRG will position selected team members from your organization for formal DiSC® certification provided by Inscape Publishing.

DiSC® Distributor
HRG can act as your DiSC® Distributor and purchase credits and programming materials on your behalf.

General Characteristics DiSC®  

For 30+ years, the DiSC® Profile has opened the door to understanding dynamics that influence communication and positive relationships. The foundation of success lies in understanding yourself, understanding others and realizing the impact of your behavior on people. DiSC® focuses on four behavioral dimensions: D: Dominance, i: Influence, S: Steadiness and C: Conscientiousness.  The main areas of focus include:

  • Understand your DiSC® behavioral style and how it affects others
  • Examine your reactions to other behavioral styles
  • Maximize your strengths
  • Develop and sustain a positive attitude about yourself and others
  • Adapt your behavior to create positive outcomes

Management DiSC®  

Everything DiSC® Management teaches managers how to bring out the best in each employee by learning how to read the styles of the people they manage. The result is managers who adapt their style to others, will manage more effectively. Everything DiSC® Management helps managers to develop their management style, improve communication and increase engagement.  Areas of focus include:

  • Introduction to Your Management Style
  • Directing and Delegating
  • Creating a Motivating Environment
  • Developing Others
  • Working with Your Manager

Sales DiSC®

The Everything DiSC® Sales uses DiSC® to help salespeople communicate better and improve their sales relationships. By working through your “Sales Map”, you will discover your DiSC® sales style, priorities, strengths, and challenges, learn how to recognize and understand your customers’ buying styles and learn to navigate from you to your customers.  The three areas of focus include:

  • Understanding your DiSC® Sales Style
  • Recognizing and Understanding customer Buying Styles
  • Adapting your Sales Style to Your customer’s buying Style
For more information contact Laura C. McNerney at (914) 761-7111 ext. 327 or click here.

© 2025 Hospitality Resource Group, Inc. All rights reserved.     Corporate Office: 237 Mamaroneck Avenue, White Plains, NY 10605     T: (914) 761-7111