A Letter from our Chairman:
It's that time of year again, as we look forward to gathering with family, friends and colleagues to celebrate the holiday season. But if you are an event planner choreographing a corporate event, a manager coordinating your company luncheon, or an executive assistant finalizing a fundraiser for your not-for-profit, the holidays can also be a stressful time.
At HRG, we know first-hand the challenges of putting together all the pieces that go into a successful event. This year, we worked closely with our clients and business partners to plan and manage a national convention with United Rentals, the Westchester HealthTech Conference, the Hudson Valley EDC Beer, Wine, Cider and Spirit Summit, the Lutheran Hospital annual gala in NYC, the Westchester Hospitality Summit, the NFP Educational Leadership Summit, and many more.
As we are gearing up for our annual
You are 'Cause' for Celebration party for the Westchester area not-for-profit community, we thought we would share some of the ingredients that make up the "secret sauce of success" for holiday events. In this year-end edition of our newsletter, our HRG Event Solutions team came up with a Top 10 list of tips and techniques you may want to consider in your planning.
We hope you enjoy this month's newsletter, and look forward to hearing from you about this topic and others you may be interested in learning more about. And remember- you can always review past editions on our website at HRGinc.net, and keep in touch with HRG by Following Us on LinkedIn, and Liking us on Facebook.
Wishing you the best as you prepare for your holidays!
Robert O. Sanders, Jr., CMP
Founder and Chairman
Hospitality Resource Group, Inc.
Holiday Event Planning-A Recipe For Success
With the holiday season in full swing, we take a look at our crowded calendars, and realize that the end of the year is quickly coming to a close. For many, this is the best time of the year to reconnect with colleagues, form new business relationships, and put your best foot forward with senior management.
To help get the most value out of your event plans, HRG's Event Solutions team has developed a "recipe for success" in planning and producing an event. As you map out your end of year holiday plans, we would like to share with you a few tips to consider:
1. Be Festive and Creative-
Make sure the entertainment is fittingly festive. At our "You Are 'Cause' for Celebration" event last year, the band featured electric violinist Daisy Jopling, who wowed the crowd with traditional and updated seasonal selections. When it comes to choosing your menu, be creative in your presentation, and ask your event manager for ways you can offer farm-to-table for finer food and fare. Include an assortment of non-alcoholic beverages.
2. Set Some Ground Rules
Remind your staff that the same behavioral policies that apply at the office will also be in place during your party. Most of them are simple, common sense workplace etiquette guidelines.
3. Check Your Party Policies-
Take a few minutes to review your insurance policy (especially if you offer alcoholic beverages), along with travel policies, hotel contract coverage, expenses, etc.
4. Making a List? Check it Twice!-
Review every detail with your event manager at least a month in advance, and again during your walk-through, to make sure your venue and their staff are prepared as specified in your contract. Remember, this is their busiest time of the year, and the stress and strain can lead to issues you cannot address once you are on-site.
5. Keep an Eye on Your "Beverage Barometer
- If you are planning for a large gathering, consider limiting alcohol consumption by providing drink tickets, and cut-off serving it an hour before the party is scheduled to end. One more glass of that "truth serum" that leads to the launch of a new dance craze can be a real career-killer!
6. Keep the Message Merry!- Company speeches should be brief and upbeat. Recap your successes, and conclude on an optimistic note. Remember- this is a company party- not a business meeting.
7. Focus on Team-
Be sure to thank your employees for their individual efforts and contributions. Encourage your management team to mingle with staff, and enlist them to help to make sure everyone enjoys the event.
8. Recognition
- While you need to highlight individual contributions, it is also important to thank your entire staff and venue partners, for making the event a success! If you have to, write down their names and learn how to pronounce them correctly.
9. Leave on a High Note!-
Thank everyone for a great year. Celebrate the wins while you review the challenges ahead with a positive message to position for success in the new year. Consider a quote from a widely recognized leader that everyone will be comfortable with.
10. Heading for Home-
Consider the venue location and transportation options to and from your event. If possible, offer to pick up the tab for taxi fares and/or provide phone numbers for cabs and train schedules. Develop and post a designated driver list for a safe ride home. Consider offering discounted hotel accommodations.
Do you need help with planning or managing your next meeting or event? Hospitality Resource Group's Event Solutions team has been a leader in planning, developing, producing and managing high profile events for the past 18 years, in partnership with major corporations, not-for-profit organizations, and healthcare leaders. For more information, contact HRG Event Solutions at: (914) 761-7111 or email walter@hrginc.net
About Hospitality Resource Group
Hospitality Resource Group, Inc. (HRG) is a group of three vertically integrated companies, with over 18 years of experience in developing innovative marketing, training and event programs for businesses, education institutions, municipalities and not for profit organizations. HRG clients benefit from our proven ability to ignite market interest, engage consumers, and educate employees on how to manage and lead their companies to build brand equity, increase sales and improve productivity.
The HRG family of companies includes:
HRG has earned widespread recognition from leading industry organizations, including: |
Corporate Office: 237 Mamaroneck Avenue, White Plains, NY - Phone: 914.761.7111 - Fax: 914.761.7854 -